Free Spring Break Activities
Youth 12-18 can enjoy free drop-in at our ARC and MRC Youth centres during the first week of spring break. Both youth centres will be open 12:30-4:30 from March 17-21.
We have a special set of events planned called Fan Fest! It will be an exciting activities, snacks, and fun events like Name That Tune, TV trivia, a costume party, and more!
March 17 – “Music Monday”
- Activity: name that tune
- Snack: watermelon and worms! (gummy worms)
March 18 – “TV Tuesday”
- Activity: TV Trivia
- Snack: Charcuterie Showdown (cheese, crackers, grapes, deli meat)
- ARC only: Open Gym Basketball (3:15-4:30PM)
March 19 – “Watch Party Wednesday”
- Activity: movie watch party
- Snack: popcorn and punch
March 20 – “Gamer Thursday”
- Activity: Video game tournament
- Snack: mountain dew and berry blast salad (black berries, blueberries, strawberries)
- ARC Only: open gym: 9 square (3:15-4:30PM)
March 21 – “Fan Fest Friday”
- Activity: dress up as your favourite character
- Snack: Friday dinner – Belgium waffles, whipped cream, extra berries, syrup, icing sugar, butter